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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  May 18, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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you know the facebook culture is not about money but let's be very real here. it's all about money today, isn't it? >> a lot of it was made, raj, for the company and investors. what a day for facebook, especially the employees. if you think about it, they spent years building a very successful company and today they got to take part in a successful ipo. now that the company is public, if you are considering buying some shares of the social network, let's take a look at how the numbers ended up on day one of facebook trading on the nasdaq. for example, shares of facebook priced pre-ipo at $38 each last night. they made their nasdaq debut a shade above $42 a share. not much excitement after that, though, the company closed its first day of trading just above $38 each. still, that values facebook at more than $100 billion. big money after a big ipo. >> this is an awesome moment. remember, stay focused and keep
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shipping. >> reporter: big enough to bring the nasdaq to silicon valley, letting ceo mark zuckerberg and company open trading before basking in all that new wealth. in fact, the earlier you invested in facebook, the wealthier you are today. >> when we invested in early '06 it was about 7 million users. today it's over 900 million. >> reporter: david of graylock partners invested very early in facebook, early enough to have been ridiculed when he did it, early enough to see his investment worth more than a billion dollars that will get you a place near the ceo. >> in mark we saw someone at a young age who was the most driven person i've ever met, completely focused, unafraid, trying to build something great for the long run. >> reporter: the tech industry is built on early investors willing to take a risk. that risk paid off here for this company and these stockholders.
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>> it just makes me feel great for all the people who have reached this milestone. it's a great celebration. >> reporter: celebrating a risk that paid off big time. know i should mention this is not david z's first money key, had previously invested in linkedin and pandora, each of which went public last year. back to you. >> scott, while we still have you there, you were there all day. this was an embarrassment for the nasdaq. they were shut down 30 or 40 minutes with technical and computer problems. what's happening? is there an investigation being launched? >> reporter: there is an investigation being launched into what happened with the nasdaq facebook trades, raj. not so much because there was a delay. the nasdaq at one point admitted they were ready, facebook was ready, but they couldn't get the trades out. as the afternoon went on, even after the market closed, there were several would-be investors
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that put in market orders but still say they did not get their shares and that's what the securities and exchange commission says it will get to in the days to come. >> scott budman, some frustrated investors around the country. thank you for your coverage. we'll get back to you later. the facebook ipo should help the state's coffers and the timing couldn't be better. they announced california's budget deficit may be nearly $17 billion. that's a billion dollars more than what governor brown estimate this had week. they estimate facebook will give the state $2 billion boost over the next couple of years. >> it depends on how many people sell, whether they're residents in the state of california can, and what the stock price is. it helps significantly, but we still have a long way to go. >> a long way to go because the state controller says it will take multiple facebooks to close the budget gap. >> it seems governor brown needs to update his knowledge of facebook. during an interview on the cbs
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national morning show, the governor said his state is where facebook was invented. he added not in texas, not in arizona, not in manhattan. now when the interviewer pointed out zuckerberg developed fa facebook at harvard in massachusetts, governor brown quickly responded the inventors quickly came to california where all the other innovative people are. good save by the governor. we have extensive coverage on our website at nbcbayis just search facebook. well, he's the man behind the walmart but the founder of the nation's first marijuana super store is under fire tonight, charged with illegally pocketing greens and not the kind you spoke. he has been charged with 13 felony counts for alleged lyl defrauding the city of more than $40,000. jodi hernandez joins us from this story, new at 6:00, live in oakland with a closer look at what's behind those charges. jodi? >> reporter: jessica, this is the criminal complaint filed by the district attorney's office against dar mann.
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mann's weed grow store was opened with great fanfare here in oakland a couple of years ago. you can see its logo is the first honest hydro store. now the owner is accused of being anything but. >> i think this should send a clear message to anyone doing business in oakland that fraud will not be tolerated. >> the city's auditor called it a clear and disturbing case of fraud. she says the founder of the nation's first marijuana super store dar mann bilked the city of oakland out of mover than $44,000, that was supposed to be used at four of mann's oakland properties including the we grow location. >> if you are knowingly performing fraud, you are defrauding this city, performing a criminal act, and that is exactly why it was referred to the district attorney. >> reporter: mann is charged with 13 felony counts including
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grand theft, fraud and forgery. according to the probable cause statement, mann submitted copies of phony checks for reimbursement. instead of paying contractors, he redeposited the money into his own account. >> this is a crisis for all of us in relation to who do we trust in our business relationship, who do weep trust to move forward? >> reporter: ruby points out mann was someone city leaders trusted. several city councilmembers including jean quan visited walmart of weed. he admittedly took shortcuts to complete the reimbursement process. but he said, quote, my client can prove every dollar that was spent and we plan to fight these charges. the city auditor says the evidence against mann is strong. >> every dollar counts, and when we know that dollars are going out the door, that dollars can't be recovered.
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>> reporter: now i talked to mann's attorney. late today he told me that today he decided to withdraw from the case. i just got a text from dahr mann. he says the city is claiming $44,000 in losses. according to the text, the figure is more like $4,400. he states every development project was completed and every contractor was made on every project. much more money was spent than required. that is the text i just got from mann a few minutes ago. mann will be arraigned in court on may 23rd. reporting live in oakland, i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. berkeley police are trying to figure out how a driver lost control in a deadly accident. the accident was so intense the car had to be cut open to remove the passengers. a male driver in his 20s hit a curb on a round about and slammed into a tree. this was overnight. police say a female passenger
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died on the scene. the driver and a child were listed in critical condition. neighbors say the accident was so loud, they got out of bed and rushed to help. >> trying to get in and see if we can do something about getting people out. the doors were locked so we couldn't and we didn't know to break a window or anything. shortly after the first police car showed up. >> police are looking into whether the driver was under the influence. in the wake of a controversial visit the berkeley police department is conducting an internal review. the city is spending $20,000 to review the department's media policies after an incident in march. chief michael meehan sent an armed sergeant to a news reporter's home in an attempt to change a published story. the city has hired an irvine based communications firm to do a six-month audit of the department's policies and procedures on releasing public information. the big event is coming up for a little girl in san jose this weekend. >> friends are organizing a fundrai-raising fund for a
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5-year-old who has a rare genetic condition. she is surprising her doctors with the progress and winning hearts along the way. >> reporter: sammy and cali green play together like all sisters but 5-year-old sami has special needs. diagnosed wi diagnosed, this bundle of energy has a small head and simplified brain patterns. that's not her only challenge. >> she has cerebral palsy, which makes her muscles really tight and hard for her to balance and walk. and she also is diagnosed with epilepsy. >> reporter: medical experts didn't give them much home for sami's future but she is proving them wrong. >> i know how special samantha is, and our family has felt her big spirit. >> reporter: sami is walking on her own, even forming words. parents, marcus and jenny, say
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special physical they arapy in h is making a big difference. >> it pulls her body into the proper alignment and four hours a day four days a week she does therapy. >> reporter: it costs $2,000 a week. getting sami the help she needs is expensive. they have friends, even strangers signing up for a 5k scald sweating for sami. the second annual is may 19th in san jose. last year's event raised enough money to pay for several weeks of therapy. family friend diane black organizes the event. >> it's her eyes. you look at her little eyes and there is just a sparkle in there. >> reporter: a light that gets brighter with special help. >> the way that she stands up a lot straighter when she walks, much more in control of her body, yeah, you can see it. >> reporter: the greens are looking forward to raising money for their daughter and meeting all the people who care. >> the money was fantastic because it got what she needed, but the feeling that day was
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magical. >> if you'd like to learn more about the sweating for sami run head to our website and search sweating for sammy. still ahead at 6:00, she tried everything but a local teenager simply couldn't lose weight. now we'll show you the new surgery that transformed her life. >> reporter: i'm monte frappe sis. experts will be trying to identify hundreds of bodies found here. why one local family is certain their loved one is buried here. and then it's down to the wire. the ambitious project to light why time arienddg may be running out. and good evening. i'm jeff ranieri live at at&t park. of course home of the san francisco giants, the world series channmpions. right now the a's taking the field in a practice for the bay bridge but that orange outnumbering the green. more on the bay bridge w series
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and how it's commemorating the 75th anniversary of the golden gate bridge.
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as the new eastern span much of the bay bridge speeds towards completion, the western span could be getting a new look. a bold art project could turn the span into a visual attracti attraction. joe rosato jr. shows us why fund-raising is down to the wire. >> reporter: there's certainly nothing unusual about someone admiring the bay bridge but ben david saw that view in a whole different light. >> it construction me it could be a canvas. >> reporter: the light bulb that hit that day was thousands of lights suspended from the western span. >> imagine the eiffel tower but seven is times larger and much more elegant interpretation of a light sculpture. >> reporter: he's enlisted leo
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who is known for illuminating things in an unusual way. >> so i thought about the structure for several months and worked on this rendering in which we place 25,000 l.e.d. lights. >> reporter: a bridge light show like the bay area has never seep. >> it's not about overwhelming the bridge in any way, it's about reflecting on what's here which is incredibly beautiful. >> reporter: he has plenty of experience creating lighting installations at museums and public places. but now it will include steel bridge cables. >> well, there's no way to really set this up back in my studio in new york. it's a mile and a half long and it's just -- there's no way to put a curtain over it either. >> reporter: though he hopes to begin installing the piece in july, the group is working with agencies to get permits. but it only has until july 1st to raise the last $3 million of an $8 million budget.
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>> we have one last miracle that's needed, an outpouring of generosity of $3 million. >> reporter: the project will remain on the bridge for two years. now the safety won't be visible to bridge drivers but as they mark the 75th anniversary of the golden gate bridges, david figures it's the perfect candle to top the bay area's cake. >> i think of it as more like a crackling fire or meteor shower that 50,000 of us can lay out on a blanket. >> reporter: joe rosato jr., bay area news. >> very interesting. well, it's a little strange but we love it that way. the bay to breakers. 101 years old. keeping thousands of people on their best behavior is a challenge. their job is to, quote, enforce fun. but also to enforce two bans, a zero tolerance policy on
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alcohol, and a ban on floats. >> we've added some qr codes to the back of the bids allowing our athletes to check out the start line map as well as after the race get taken to our results page and see how they did. we are allowing our athletes to have the results posted to their facebook time line after the event. >> going high tech. san francisco's expecting about 50,000 runners to take part in this year's race. through the years all 100 of them, it's estimated nearly 2 million people have participated in the 12k race. groundbreaking began today for a new atult education center in san jose. a new two-story facility will replace 14 temporary classrooms that were being used to serve nearly 5,000 students every year. the school helps adults earn their high school diploma and take job training courses.
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the building is expected to be completed in august of next year. >> all right. let's get out to at&t park with jeff ranieri. he's over there having some fun and i'm sure creating mayhem in the process. >> he usually is. a big weekend. giants and the a's, take it away. the crowd is unreal back up hyped me. excited about the game tonight. there's even a tim lincecum look alike back there in the crowd. the beginning of the series tonight. that's how loud the giants fever is. as you can see out here on the field the a's getting their practice in. we saw tim lincecum and the other star players going without a hitch. everything moving along smoothly tonight. and there's an extra twist. it's international orange day at the park. joining us, thanks for having us in the ballpark tonight. and what's this all about, this golden gate bridge, giants twist? >> we have a little birthday party that will start next weekend with the 75th
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anniversary and we decided to get into the spirit and we're having international orange friday in honor of the bridge tonig tonight. >> and orange is not in short supply and there will be some special events going on with the jerseys, the players? >> so all of the players will be wearing traditional friday night orange jersey but the official golden gate park bridge anniversary patch. and they will be wearing those tonight. we'll do a home plate ceremony with the organizers of the bridge celebration and a whole variety of ways to celebrate. >> that's great. when you think san francisco, you think the giants and then right back in the next corner is the golden gate bridge. so people can buy that at the shops, right? >> our patches, we're actually going to take the game worn jerseys tonight and sell is them in the ballpark. we have a game used store right here in the ballpark. so starting tomorrow people can buy the jerseys. they have the patch on them and proceeds will go to benefit the golden gate bridge. >> thank you so much. we're going to get to our weather graphics. it's chilly out here, that
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breeze. >> it'll warm up. >> once the players get out on the field, we know the temperatures will be popping up there. it's windy, winds 20 to 30 miles an hour out here in san francisco, hayward and petaluma. that crowd is wild out here at the giants game tonight. yes. you just mention the word crowd and giants and they go crazy. next 48 hours high pressure building in out offshore and what we're going to be finding is temperatures warming up as we head into this upcoming weekend. now on the next 48 hours what you'll see here is we'll reset peak warmth as we head into sunday's forecast, that temperatures should be warming up into the mid-80s here as we head into this upcoming weekend. all right. back out here live, you guys. we know it's the bay bridge series, temps in the 50s. it's all about the giants fever tonight. it's international orange day. remember these hats, you guys? all about a gamble for them getting to the world series. then they got there, the playoffs in 2010.
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they can do it again. come on, giants. >> the mad hatter, jeff ranieri. >> exactly. that's who he is. thank you, jeff. >> giants and a's right here on nbc bay area at 7:00. still ahead here at 6:00, an important ruling in maryland involving same sex marriage. we'll explain the connection to california. also a san jose police found today that forced a neighborhood to evacuate. ♪ think of it as "american idol" for opera singers. showing off their skills, promising opera singers flocked to the south bay for a shot at making it big.
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[spring releases] boing...boing (sir can-a-lot) excuse me, madame. [giggles] i only intended to punch up your potatoes with the flavor of glorious spam! (woman) oh... i never thought of that. (sir can-a-lot) i wouldn't be here if you had, madame. (ancr) break the monotony. for more fun ideas visit
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it's been 50 years since a local man decided to live a life of poverty and humility.
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he began in san jose and it was here that he first decided to form the united farmworkers of america. >> tonight they are holding the 50th anniversary national convention in bakersfield. nbc bay area's damian trujillo is there to mark this historic moment. >> reporter: celebrities and political leaders interest the national stage are here in bakersfield to honor an organization founded by a man who spoke up for those who didn't have a voice. >> we were not known and no one would come to our support. we were hungry and frightened and in need of help. >> reporter: there was nothing flamboyant about cesar chavez, just a man on a national crusade for a cause many questioned. >> they said he was crazy. >> reporter: rita is his older sister. in her brother, rita says she saw a man who ignored the doubters because he knew firsthand how much the farmworkers needed him.
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>> he was always thinking about the farmers in the field. the tree and the tent, the cows, the horses. that's the way we lived when we were farmworkers. >> reporter: chavez formed the united farmworkers of america. there were death threats and he put his safety in the hands of his two german shepherds, one named boycott, the other named buenga. >> he believed that in service to others, he believed in volunteerism and nonviolence and that's the best way. remember those values. >> reporter: he died 19 years ago but his legacy continues. streets and buildings are named after him. there is a campaign for a national holiday in his name. and on may 5th the pentagon unveiled a cargo ship named after the navy veteran. >> there was something else that i'll never forget.
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it was beautiful. beautiful. i could feel his spirit at that time. >> reporter: the usw continues its fight for farmworkers, some who have died from heat related illnesses in the field. a struggle that's on the agenda at the ufw's 50th national convention, the convention is also a celebration of ces is ar's legacy, a man who is still in the minds of many. >> every day. >> reporter: with the hot summer approaching, the organizers here in bakersfield say it's time to get to work, time, they say, to protect the farmworkers. we're in bakersfield, i'm damian trujillo, nbc bay area news. a special night indeed. still ahead, a south bay teenager undergoes a bre
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breakthrough weight loss surgery. how it's lowering her risk for complicatio complications. for the first time we're hearing from family members of people believed to have been buried there. i'm janelle wang. the meeting of the world's most powerful leaders. what they're most worried about coming up. and new animation of just how crews plan to get the costa concordia out of the ocean.
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when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters.
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we continue to follow a story we first broke on tuesday, the discovery of a hidden grave in san jose. for the first time we're hearing from family members who believe their loved ones are buried in that grave. >> today clearing the way for some of those bodies to be removed from the site. nbc bay area's monte francis in san jose with the new details for us. monte? >> reporter: jessica, this is an
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emotional process for family members because they feel as if their loved ones were forgotten for so many years. relatives now hope that those who are buried here can be afforded some dignity. in 1915 anna died and her family has long believed she was buried somewhere on the grounds of valley medical center. >> my grandmother always knew her mother was buried there. always knew. she died at the old santa clara valley hospital. that's where the pauper's grave was. >> reporter: in this photo wearing a black dress is believed to be among the 1,400 people buried in a 19th century pauper's field unearthed by construction crews on the vmc property, found in pine boxes are farmworkers and others who at the time could not afford a proper burial. >> all rise. >> reporter: today a superior court judge says the county can begin identifying and removing
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100 of the 1,400 bodies which stand in the way of completing construction of a hospital support building. >> the next step is the county is going to hire an archaeologist to specializes in pauper's field with removal and perhaps identification of the remains that are exhumed. >> reporter: if the bodies cannot be identified or if they are not claimed by relatives, the remains will be cremated. this woman's great-grandson is hoping she and the hundreds of others forgotten for so many decades can finally be remembered in the proper way. >> i have to have a respectful orchard for them, a plaque to honor them. they've been forgotten for 80 years. let's not forget them again. >> reporter: i'm told that the identification and removal of those 100 bodies will happen relatively soon. the county has set up an e-mail address and phone number for people who believe they have
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relatives who were buried here. you can find that information by going to our website and just search for the term potter's field. live in san jose tonight, monte francis, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, monte. a menacing note shuts down one of the most upscale neighborhoods. tonight we know that the powder inside the letter was never really a threat, but it was scary. san jose bomb squad responded to the nail salon in lincoln avenue as someone discovered a suspicious package. after several hours police discovered there was no threat and lifted the lockdown. police are not revealing what the note said, only revealing that it was intended for the owner of that issalon. one man is dead and a woman injured in the aftermath of a multicar crash in san jose. here is the map. a cpp officer stopped a volkswagen passat. they say the driver pulled away from the scene and fled before colliding with the parked car. the suspect is 23-year-old dario
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taylor of pittsburgh. now we've learned that collision with the parked car pinned another man who later died. a woman standing with her son near the crash suffered moderate injuries. >> same sex marriages won't start taking place until next year but same sex divorce is legal. maryland's court of appeals ruled unanimously that same sex couples married in a different state can divorce in maryland just as a heterosexual couple can. it involves two women married who filed for divorce in maryland but were denied back in 2010. >> many of the world's most powerful leaders are meeting right now to discuss some of the biggest problems around the world. >> janelle wang is here with our international headlines. >> president obama is hosting the g-8 summit at camp david in maryland today and tomorrow. this will be the largest gathering at camp david ever. the g-8 consists of the u.s., france, great britain, germany, italy, japan, canada and russia. the biggest agenda, the debt crisis in greece.
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>> this is an issue of extraordinary importance not only to the people of europe but also to the world economy. >> the lead eers will talk abou the conflict in syria, the nuclear weapons concerns in iran and strategy in afghanistan which is actually the main topic at the nato summit in chicago which begins on sunday. large demonstrations are expected there. as for greece, more bad news. the country's credit rating was downgrade downgraded one notch from b-minus to ccc known as junk status. that's the lowest possible grade before going into default. in syria the head of the u.n. observer team warned that u.n. monitors will not be able to stop the violence there. it will be up to assad's regime and rebels to meet and negotiate a solution. both sides continued to violate a u.n. ceasefire raising concerns the country will descend into civil war. more than 9,000 people have been killed since the uprising began
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15 months ago. the u.n. nuclear chief is flying to iran on sunday to secure a deal allowing inspe inspectors to visit certain sites. it comes days before a broader talk between iran and other world leaders about the dispute of tehran's nuclear weapons program. today israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, says he's skeptical iran will stop its nuclear program which iran claims is for friendly purposes only. the "costa concordia" will remain off the coast for another year. they will try to upright the cruiseship in one whole piece. here is an animation of their plan. they are hoping it will stay afloat so it can be towed to shore for defensemen licks. the whole process is expected to take a year. the captain accidentally ran the ship aground after taking an unauthorized detour. the captain remains under house arrest facing multiple fan slaughter charges. >> fascinate to go see that
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graphic there. >> hopefully it will work. >> what it will cost to raise that ship. amazing. singing their hearts out. the south bay competition. opera singers are hoping to make it big. >> and the breakthrough weight loss surgery involving a teenager. and good evening. i'm jeff ranieri live at at&t park where, yes, we are right on the field tonight. we are less than an hour away from the bay bridge series. we're leaving the rest of the field work to the professionals. details on how the giants are helping to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the golden gate bridge.
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(sir can-a-lot) good day, ma' lady. [muffled] i am sir can-a-lot. i am sir can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! (woman) hmmm... that's actually a good idea. [nervous giggle] (ancr) break the monotony. for more fun ideas visit
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an obese teenager has a new surgical option. marianne favro shows us how the procedure has made all the difference to a high school senior in san jose who has lost 153 pounds. >> megan is embracing biking. just a year ago she could barely make it a mile. that's because megan used to weigh 333 pounds. she struggled with her weight since she was 5. >> since kindergarten. >> reporter: despite trying dozens of exercises she couldn't shed the pounds, she was gaining lots of health problems including diabetes, sleep apnea and joint pain. >> i was taking seven medicines a day. >> reporter: how did she shrink from a size 26 to a size 4? she underwent a surgery to dramatically shrink her stomach to one-third its original size. this doctor performed the surgery at children's hospital,
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the first on the west coast to offer the procedure to morbidly obese teens. >> the surgery will restrict the amount of food you can eat and that will give you hopefully that push in order to change your behavior. >> reporter: but results are not guaranteed. megan must stick to a low calorie diet. if she eats too much, her stomach could expand and she could gain back the weight. to qualify, she had to go through an extensive six-month program with a doctor, a child psychologist, she had to meet fiphysical requirements, too. >> body mass index should be more than 35. that's the number we use. and have other diseases like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, really bad headaches. >> reporter: megan has lost 153 pounds. she'll graduate from westmont high next month half the size she was when she started. no longer battling diabetes or joint pain, she is off all her medications and the teasing has stopped. >> i never had more energy, and
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i feel awesome. >> reporter: for the first time, megan says, she's look iing forward to long bike rides and a long life. in san jose, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> good for her. still ahead, we'll be joining jeff ranieri at at&t park with the details of a weekend warm-up for you. powder. medicated to protect, absorb, even relieve itching. -thanks, jimmy. -thank gold bond. ♪ this stuff works
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get this, a job fair for opera singers. in san jose today aspiring sing e ers. ♪ >> wow. the vocal pyrotechnics, there's no applause when they finish. just a simple, thank you. not only do they get valuable exposure, they are competing for $50,000 in prize money in a competition tomorrow. money that's badly needed for coaches and for travel expenses. >> in my family, i'm the only one who sings. i discover opera thanks to the great. he was on television. he changed my life.
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>> now he is among the finalists tomorrow where the audience can vote for their favorite singer. >> it is one of the biggest weekends of baseball of the year and it's right here on nbc bay ar area. the a's and the giants from at&t park. is that where our friend is today? >> that's where our friend is. he loves the baseball. >> jeff ranieri, take it away. look at my new jersey, guys. isn't this awesome? >> you are always scamming products and merchandise. >> i know. i wish they gave this to me. they did not. it commemorates the golden gate bridge anniversary. international 0 orange day. it's been signed by all the playe players. another thing to look for after the news, all the players will have that pitch on their uniform, the 75th anniversary of the bridge and, of course, the san francisco giants.
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people are starting to filter in. it's been busy out here now. the a's went into their dugout. it seems like a very festive evening. part of our special this weekend, jim and eric, called sto stories from the bridge. and you guys were actually born on the bridge? >> born on the bridge in a car. >> it feels nice to be recognized. i love all this. i love the giants. >> yeah. and did they promise you one of these jerseys? >> i think we're getting a jacket but a jersey would be nice. >> so note to the giants, he wants a jacket and a jersey. i think you deserve it. >> that with be awesome. >> you will be on our special this weekend, stories from the bridge. we'll hear all about your experience and your whole life. >> sounds good. >> all right. so you're all jazzed up about t it. you need to hold this. we're going to our weather map. do not drop it.
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the beginning of the bay bridge series less thann aur away. if you look at our weather forecast, what we'll find as we head throughout the next 48 to 72 hours temperatures will be gradually warming up into this weekend. this is a great feeling out on this field. then as you head inland we are finding plenty of, well, you know, 60s to 70s. and as we head into this weekend, temperatures will be edging up into the 80s. not real sure about too many 90s popping up into our interior section. we'll still be warm for this time of the year. as we head throughout the next 48 hours, high pressure warming up the bay area with that down sloping wind and slightly offshore and some peak warmth as we head throughout sunday. temperatures in the upper 40s to near 50 degrees. 49 down into morgan hill. also gilroy near 50. san jose 51. daytime highs will be topping
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out in the upper 70s from silicon valley right on down to san jose and livermore also expecting mid-80s. for tonight right after our news, temperatures will be in the 50s and a cold breeze. if you're still heading out to the game, remember that jacket. and on our seven day forecast, what you'll find here is temperatures that will be warming up by saturday and sunday and then gradually cooling back down. oh, my gosh, look what's out here at the field. they surprised me with this one. it is the live seven-day forecast out at at&t. how are you all doing? yes, you're doing great. saturday and sunday, that's who i want to talk to. you gave me the week off, saturday. >> i did. it's nice and sunny, though. >> what's it going to be like for the game? >> it's going to be a great game. it's going to be hot. it's going to be nice. you wouldn't even know you were in san francisco. >> did you ever think that you would be monday? >> yes. >> you did? you knew it. >> yes. >> you forecasted that? all right. what do you think of the game
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tonight? >> good. >> what's your name? >> j.t. >> all right, j.t., thanks for coming out and being monday for us. everybody having a good time out here tonight, guys, they're having a good time. go giants. we're going to send it back to you in the studio. >> monday is super cute. >> he is. do you know what's scary, jeff, that jersey, 75, that's barry zito's jersey. he's pitching. get that jersey back to him. >> it's right here. we did not drop it on the ground, you guys. look at that. >> do we trust jeff ranieri with a zito jersey? >> some people may want to see him without theaw shirt on.hirt. >> giants and a's here on nbc bay area. buster posey and vogelsong have teamed up off the field to help educate parents about the ratings system in the world of video games with a new public service announcement for the
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esrb, the entertainment software ratings board. >> as young parents we both have small children and we feel it's important for parents to know what kind of game children are playing. not every game is appropriate for every child. >> reporter: while some were part of the unveiling playing with mlb '12 the show. and the real thrill here today was getting to play some games with buster and ryan. >> it's a matter of taking a couple of seconds and use a mobile app and that information is there. it's just a matter of taking time and putting some effort forward.
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all right. everybody is at the ballpark tonight. it is the place to be. jim joins us. is he with jeff? >> he's with jeff. but jim will talk more hard core sports. jeff will talk about getting barry zito's jersey back to him. >> yeah, i'll be honest, i'm getting insecure here. jeff's over there getting the good sports info, the barry zito jersey, gets the autographs, he knows everything about the team. i'm sitting around saying, hey, let me tell you about the weather. instead we'll tell you about baseball. it's extra special. you know that at&t park is going to be buzzing this evening. even though with these two teams playing at this ballpark at third and king, the giants have been pretty good. they've won their last nine tries against the athletics. tonight you'll get a chance to see the first game in the
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three-game set. let's hear from jon miller and mike krukow. >> okay, jim. we have a beautiful night here. the wind is blowing. the giants and the athletics, all bay area interleague matchup. barry zito going against his old team. he's pitched well, mike, except he has this problem where he's not done well against his old team the athletics yet. >> he's crossed a lot of obstacles. in 5-0 starts he's had quality starts. but lifetime against the a's, 1-4 with a 7.24, you always want to do well against the team he played against. he has not done that. it's an obstacle he is yet to cross. >> he'll be facing an oakland lineup that's a bit depleted. some of their top players injured. giants and athletics interest here. back to the studio. here's jim. >> all right, guys. thanks very much. we're six minutes away from the
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game. let's see if barry zito can keep the momentum going for the san francisco giants. they finished off a short two-game set the other day. a big win in which the bats got going. here with more on the giants and maybe some momentum is our jaymee sire. well, thanks so much, jim. i think it was huge for the jants' confidence yesterday just the fact they were able to score some runs and also come from behind not once but twice in that game and certainly it's something that can maybe propel them into a successful series against the a's. >> got him. so the giants extend the t two-game slide and have momentum going into the game tomorrow with the oakland a's coming to up to. >> they come out with the win in that situation against that kind of caliber team, it helps us keep things going here especially at home. >> over the last couple of
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seasons, the home team has dominated in this series. the a's have won six straight while the giants will go for ten in a row here at at&t park tonight. during that streak, the giants offense has connected on ten home runs with a pitching staff has posted a 1.50 e.r.a. but it doesn't necessarily translate into extra confidence for the giants. >> you feel like you have a slight advantage when you're at home. that's one of our problems. we're not playing as well as at home as we should. our record is not what you would like it to be here. >> especially out here, the weather, i think it will be good. for our confidence more so because i don't really think it has anything to do with it because of the first time we're seeing them this season.
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>> reporter: and, jim, if you were hoping to see buster posey tonight, he is not in the lineup but not to worry. it's a normal day off. back over to you. >> all right, thank you very much. the giants have tried to get past the .500 mark, the a's are past it at 20-19 and the athletics are looking forward to this series with the giants. >> i think it's the atmosphere. they're going to have home team atmosphere just like last season. it makes a difference. knowing your field and the confinement of the parks, it makes a difference. come back out and play better than the team at home. >> starts in the off-season. building the team to the field strength. it's fun. i wouldn't call it a rivalry. both sides are pretty cool with
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each other. it's been like that for a while. it's nice to have a road game right down the road. >> all right. so there you have it, it's the a's in town for the giants. the bay bridge series and interleague play as the giants try to get over the .500 mark. you'll see it tonight on nbc bay area starting at 7:00. raj and jessica, back to you. >> we have everyone live from the ballpark tonight. >> it's a party. >> jim, jaymee, jeff ranieri, and we're here. >> yes. >> we'll be here all night. for a full half hour of the local sports coverage watch sports net central on comcast sports net bay area at 10:30. >> and jim mentioned because we have the bay bridge series, you can catch "who do you think you are" and "grimm" on 36. catch "date line" and then us. >> we're ready for it. jon miller, mike krukow up live. ♪
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